Studio Services

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Studio Services

Lindenstrasse 16
6340 Baar ZG


Telefono 091 961 60 10


A pleasant voice adds greater value to your company
Are you looking for a nice, sparkling, competent, but serious voice for your voice mailbox or your advertising spot?
We offer a full range of services.We personalize your messages with professional female and male native speakers, in several languages, with or without music of your choice.
We provide greetings to welcome your customers, to let them know your opening hours, any absence for holidays or at night, your company contacts or any other communications.

Prodotti, servizi

Professionelle Stimmen für Business Numbers, Telefonsequenzen, Anrufbeantworter.
Voix professionnelles pour Business Numbers, séquences téléphoniques, répondeurs automatiques.
Voci professionali per Business Numbers, sequenze telefoniche, segreterie telefoniche.
Professional voices for phone mailbox, business numbers, answering machines.

Feedback dei clienti

Non ci sono ancora feedback dei clienti per Studio Services.

  1. Qual é la vostra esperienza?Vota ora
Fonte dati: Swisscom Directories SA

Orario d'apertura

Lun-Ven 07:30-12:00, 16:00-17:00

Modi di pagamento

  • Fattura