Augen Zentrum Fankhauser AG

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Augen Zentrum Fankhauser AG

Fachärzte für Augenkankheiten und Augenchirurgie, Augenarzt FMH
Gutenbergstrasse 18
3011 Bern



Welcome to the Eye Center Fankhauser

The best for your eye health, that is our claim. In everything we do. Even when listening. At the Fankhauser Eye Center in Bern, we are closely networked with science and research. You benefit directly from this by receiving the most modern treatment methods.

Comprehensive competencies

At the center, our highly specialized physicians and surgeons treat the broad spectrum of eye diseases and help you achieve sharp vision at any age. Our special concern is the active prevention of eye health, which, in addition to the most modern preventive methods, includes a nutritional supplementation concept that supports the eye in its demanding task with important micronutrients.

Active research

We actively research the early detection of diseases, so we can (act) before you even have vision loss or other symptoms. Photon correlation spectroscopy makes this possible. This achievement means an enormous gain in time. We are already using this innovation in retinal examinations.

Customer feedback

 Rating: 3.9 (8 ratings)

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Opening hours

Mon-Fri 08:30-17:15
Special opening hours
Notfälle auf Anfrage

Payment methods

  • Cash
  • Bill
  • Eurocard / Mastercard
  • Maestro (EC)
  • Visa