Rössli zur Vogtei

Closed until 11:00

Rössli zur Vogtei

Inhaber: Slavisa Tomic
Schulhausstrasse 49
8704 Herrliberg ZH


Phone 044 915 23 88 *
Mobile 079 777 35 30 *
Social Media
* No advertising material


For pleasurable moments

Everyone is welcome at the Rössli zur Vogtei Herrliberg. With their warmth, Slavisa and Suzana Tomic create a family atmosphere in which craftsmen and business people, couples and families feel equally at home. The hosts spoil them all with carefully prepared Swiss dishes, cooked from fresh, seasonal ingredients. Also to take away.

Slavi’s Partyservice

Everything is possible. Slavi's party service accompanies children's birthday parties in the garden just as enthusiastically as festivals lasting several days, passionately creates a spaghetti party as well as a luxurious aperitif riche. We know how to satisfy the culinary needs of vegans and allergy sufferers. Thanks to our various specialised chefs, top equipment and great flexibility, we are also able to fulfil orders at short notice without any complications.

Celebrations and meetings in the Vogtei

As a historically grown building complex, the Vogtei offers a special setting for a wide variety of events. Whether it's a small birthday party with 40 guests or a general meeting with 300 participants, you can hire the right room from us - with or without culinary accompaniment. With good public transport connections and more than 30 car and two car parking spaces, we are easy to reach for your guests.

Zentrum zur Vogtei

The Vogtei has always distinguished itself through its change. Originating as a peasant estate at least 600 years ago, it was gradually developed into a noble seat of power as the property of factory owners and officials. In 1941, the old bailiwick became the property of the Schipfgut. Today, the redesigned building complex houses the "Rössli" as a restaurant, the tithe barn with tithe hall and trough, and the residential house with banqueting hall and garden hall.

Customer feedback

 Rating: 4.7 (12 ratings)

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Web pages
Über Uns – Kulturkreis Herrliberg
Menü Kulturkreis Herrliberg – Über uns Menü Portrait Trägerschaft Vorstand Vogtei Herrliberg Kulturkreis-Veranstaltungen Schutzmassnahmen COVID-19 SCHUTZMASSNAHMEN – Stand 20.
Gewerbeapéro Rössli – Gewerbeverein Herrliberg
Gewerbeapéro Rössli – Gewerbeverein Herrliberg ADDRESS 8704 Herrliberg EMAIL info@gv-herrliberg.Gewerbeapéro Rössli 28.03.2019 @ 17:00 - 20:00 « Generalversammlung
Im Rössli zur Vogtei Herrliberg ist jeder willkommen. Mit ihrer Herzlichkeit sorgen Slavisa und Suzana Tomic für eine familiäre Atmosphäre,

Opening hours

Mon-Fri 08:00-24:00
Sat 11:00-24:00
Sun 11:00-23:00

Payment methods

  • Cash
  • Bill
  • Visa
  • Eurocard / Mastercard
  • Maestro (EC)
  • Postcard

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