Wachter Karen

Geschlossen bis Mo 09:00

Wachter, Karen

Dr. med. FMH für Neurologie / Spez. Verhaltensneurologie / Kognitive Neurologie
Seestrasse 19
8002 Zürich


Telefon 043 344 51 75


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Webseiten zum Eintrag
Dr. med. Karen Wachter | Verhaltensneurologie | Neuropsychologie
Dr. med. Karen Wachter Seestrasse 19, CH-8002 Zürich Verhaltensneurologie Neuropsychologie . Dr. med. Karen Wachter | Verhaltensneurologie | Neuropsychologie top of page Home Team
Legal Notice - SGKVN | SSNCC | SSCBN
Swiss Society for Cognitive and Behavioural Neurology SGKVN | SSNCC | SSCBN - Behavioral neurology is a subspecialty of neurology. It covers the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders – that means dysfunctions of cognition, behaviour and emotions.
Legal Notice - SGKVN | SSNCC | SSCBN
Swiss Society for Cognitive and Behavioural Neurology SGKVN | SSNCC | SSCBN - Behavioral neurology is a subspecialty of neurology. It covers the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders – that means dysfunctions of cognition, behaviour and emotions.
Datenquelle: Swisscom Directories AG


Mo-Di 09:00-11:00, 14:00-16:00
Do-Fr 09:00-11:00, 14:00-16:00
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