Uniquers Executive Search SAGL

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Uniquers Executive Search SAGL

Via Antonio Olgiati 8
6900 Lugano TI


Telefon 091 252 00 23 *
Telefon 091 252 00 23
* Wünscht keine Werbung


Uniquers, headquartered in Switzerland with branches in various EU locations, serves as a trusted advisor and partner to organizations seeking to hire senior executives and leaders. Our experienced search professionals offer deep knowledge and understanding across function, product, industry, and geography.

Produkte, Dienstleistungen

Requirements in leadership change, yet the need for high-performing executives is always stable. Through a rigorous approach and our Executive consultanin ts’ capabilities to assess executives, we identify and attract the right talent to be successful in specific roles and conditions. We deeply understand different industries and functional roles that can open your access to senior executives and sound candidate picks.

The middle manager is the bridge that connects senior leaders and frontline managers. This is a crucial role in every organization as his/her influence is powerful and directly impacts most of the company’s activities. Recruiting and developing strong middle-management positions should not be thought of as a reaction to change but as an evolutionary process, continuous and natural, as the company grows and develops.

Our engagement is tailored to your unique needs. Our recruitment consultants are experienced in locating and identifying professionals to meet your niche requirements. We handle your mandates for single placements, and whole team builds, sourcing domestically and across international markets.


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Datenquelle: Swisscom Directories AG


Mo-Fr 09:00-18:00