Iliev Dimiter

Chiuso fino alle 08:00

Iliev, Dimiter

Dr. med. FMH Facharzt für Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten
Haldenstrasse 11
6006 Luzern


Telefono 041 410 16 60 *
Fax 041 410 16 61 *
* non desidera pubblicità

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Pagine web
ᐅ dermatologists in PC 6403 | ✅Compare the best providers
➤ Compare 1 dermatologists in postcode 6403 and read reviews. ➤ Find the best dermatology practices now and get offers.
Fonte dati: Swisscom Directories SA

Orario d'apertura

Lun-Ven 08:00-12:00, 13:30-18:00

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  • Maestro (EC)
  • Postcard