Flanagan's Irish Pub

Chiuso fino alle 11:30

Flanagan's Irish Pub

Picassoplatz 8
4052 Basel


Telefono 061 283 28 28

Feedback dei clienti

 Valutazione: 5 (3 valutazioni)

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Pagine web
Irish Pub in Basel | Bar | Events | Sport Live Streams | Guinness Beer
Visit Flanagan´s Authentic Irish Pub in Basel. In our cosy bar you will find Guinness Stout and Kilkenny Beer as well as tasty food from the Green Island.
Fonte dati: Swisscom Directories SA

Orario d'apertura

Lun-Ven 11:30-24:00
Sab 13:00-24:00
Dom 12:00-24:00