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Energy Science Center (ESC)

Ouvert maintenant

Energy Science Center (ESC)

Sonneggstrasse 28
8006 Zürich


Téléphone 044 632 83 88 *
* Ne souhaite pas de publicité

Produits et services

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Informations qui sont pertinentes pour vos clients
p.ex. "Baskets, pantalons, T-shirts".
p.ex. "Adidas, Puma, Nike".
p.ex. "ISO 9001, ISO 9002".
p.ex. "projet XY".



ETH Zürich

The Energy Science Center (ESC) was founded at the beginning of 2005 in order to facilitate intense cross-departmental collaboration, exploit synergies between complementary kinds of energy-related expertise, and strengthen research co-operation among industrial and academic partners in the energy field. In accordance with the overarching strategy of the ETH domain in energy science and technology, the ESC provides an umbrella for ETHZ activities in both research and teaching. It will also serve as a platform for large-scale interactions with important stakeholders (industry, government, opinion leaders, and society in general) and will provide them with needed services.

Heures d'ouverture

Prière d'indiquer les heures d'ouverture. Format: HH:MM-HH:MM, HH:MM-HH:MM, ...


Heures d'ouverture

Lu-Ve 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00

Modes de paiement

Prière de nous indiquer le mode de paiement.