Lifestyle & Spa Hotel Grächerhof


Lifestyle & Spa Hotel Grächerhof

Wildi 467
3925 Grächen VS


Telefono 027 956 25 15 *
Fax 027 956 25 42
* non desidera pubblicità

Prodotti, servizi

Die Angebotsvielfalt ist unsere Stärke zu Ihrem Vorteil!

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Pagine web
Home - Graecherhof
Switzerland FIND US ON THE MAP Our Rooms A place thatgathers the soulof the alps Grächerhof Lifestyle & Spa Hotel offers a total of 58 beds inmodern and cozy single,
Lifestyle & Spa Hotel Grächerhof (***½) - RESTAURANTS, HÔTELS, Gr ...
 Valutazione: 4.4 (380 valutazioni)
Lifestyle & Spa Hotel Grächerhof (***½), CH100379949 . Lifestyle & Spa Hotel Grächerhof (***½) - RESTAURANTS, HÔTELS, Grächen - Lifestyle Spa Hotel Gracherhof 1 2 à Grachen - TÉL:
Fonte dati: Swisscom Directories SA

Orario d'apertura

Lun 08:00-23:00
Mar 09:00-23:00
Mer-Dom 08:00-23:00
Orari d'apertura speciali
Kaminstube/Lounge/Terrasse täglich offen