Eco Fahrdienst Luzern (24h Taxidienst)

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Eco Fahrdienst Luzern (24h Taxidienst)

Di Caro, Lillo & Manuela
Wir sind ein offizielles Taxiunternehmen mit Betriebsbewilligung der Stadt Luzern. Wir sind verpflichtet uns an die Maximalansätze für die Taxitarife zu halten.
Kantonsstrasse 40
6048 Horw LU


24h Erreichbarkeit 076 464 62 52 *
* No advertising material


Taxi and limousine service (24h service)

We are an official taxi company with an operating license from the city of Lucerne. We are obliged to adhere to the maximum rates for taxi tariffs. In this way, the city can guarantee that customers are served correctly, safely and efficiently.

In addition to taxi services, we also offer limousine services and airport transfers upon request.

Customer feedback

There is no feedback about Eco Fahrdienst Luzern (24h Taxidienst) yet.

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Opening hours

Mon-Sun 00:00-23:59

Payment methods

  • American Express
  • Cash
  • Maestro (EC)
  • Eurocard / Mastercard
  • Postcard
  • Visa