Ristorante Bar Piazza

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Ristorante Bar Piazza

Piazza Grande 18
6600 Locarno TI


Tel/Fax 091 752 00 61 *
* Ne souhaite pas de publicité

Avis des clients

 Note: 4.3 (3 évaluations)

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Sites internet
Locarno Events Piazza Grande | Pizzeria Restaurant | Ristorante ...
the heart of Locarno and live in a privileged position at events such as the Locarno Film Festival or the Winterland? The Bar Ristorante Piazza is an ideal solution!
Source des données: Swisscom Directories SA

Heures d'ouverture

Lu-Ve 07:30-24:00
Sa 08:00-24:00