Amco Fiduciaria SA

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Amco Fiduciaria SA

Contabilità, consulenza fiscale, revisione, immobiliare
Via Giovan Battista Pioda 8
6900 Lugano TI


Phone 091 922 92 05
e 091 866 32 31 *
Fax 091 922 92 07 *
* No advertising material


AMCO Fiduciaria SA was founded in 1968 in Faido as the first trust office in the Leventina district. The first chairman of the board of directors was former. Councillor of States Alberto Stefani. Later this position was held by Erto Paglia, former president of the Grand Council of Ticino, and Angelo Jam, who has been active in the company since the beginning. Today the president is Mr. Raoul Paglia, a graduate of the University Lausanne (UNIL - HEC).
For 55 years, AMCO Fiduciaria SA has been providing global services to individuals and legal entities in Switzerland and abroad. The 'activities performed include:

the general administration of firms,
bookkeeping, auditing,
the administration of real estate,
the brokerage of buying and selling,
corporate law,
the preparation of financial plans and audits for municipalities,
consulting and financial management.

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Opening hours

Mon-Fri 09:00-12:00, 13:30-17:00
Special opening hours
9.00 - 12.00 / 13.30 - 17.30

Payment methods

  • Bill