Sunny Connection AG


Telefon 044 887 62 10 *
Fax 044 887 62 13 *
Mobile 079 403 32 09 *
* Wünscht keine Werbung

Produkte, Dienstleistungen

Consulting and Education, areas of expertise: Network and application performance troubleshooting, Wireshark education, IPv6 education and consulting, concepts, planning, assessments, architecture and designs, or reviews of designs and concepts.

Zertifikate, Auszeichnungen

IPv6 certified instructors, IPv6 certified engineers, Cisco certified engineers, security experts


many large and medium sized enterprises in Switzerland, Europe and the US.


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Webseiten zum Eintrag
Sunny Connection AG | Business Agility & Network Consulting
Die Sunny Connection AG begleitet Menschen, Teams und Organisationen beim gemeinsamen Entwickeln von neuen und ganzheitlichen Zusammenarbeitsformen.
:: IPv6 Business Conference 2016
agenda and great positive feedback show that the Swiss IPv6 Business Conference is the ideal meeting and connection point for IT specialists working with IP-based technologies.
Datenquelle: Swisscom Directories AG