qi Feng Shui

qi Feng Shui

Michal Ricar
Storchengasse 15
8001 Zürich


Telefon 078 604 64 74 *
* Wünscht keine Werbung


Online and traditional Feng Shui consulting.

Produkte, Dienstleistungen

Our methods Like the contemporary grand masters in the Far East, we work with a combination of traditional Feng Shui (form school and compass school) supplemented by spiritual Feng Shui and geomancy. Your aesthetics are very important to us! We have made it our goal to seamlessly integrate traditional Feng Shui into a modern environment. Acoustics & Feng Shui We strongly believe that acoustics are an indispensable aspect of interior design, not only in restaurants and sales areas, where people want to understand and be understood, but also at home. Even small adjustments can often have a substantial effect on your well-being and speech comprehension. An acoustically well-balanced room is both stimulating and relaxing. Our competence is in finding the sweet spot between muted and lively surroundings. Good acoustics are good Feng Shui. Art & Feng Shui Colors, shapes and symbolism are important elements of Feng Shui correction. Art objects are therefore valuable means of stylishly and harmoniously integrating a correction into a specific interior design.

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Storchengasse 15
8001 Zürich

078 604 64 74 *